Legal Information

VBH (GB) Ltd
VBH House
Bailey Drive
Gillingham Business Park

Tel: 01634 263263

Registered in England No 1634128
Registered Office: As Above 

VAT No 373 550058

Simon Monks (Managing Director)
Vince Kay
Robin Norman

Editorial Department 

According to a decision of the District Court Hamburg on 12th May 1998 an owner of a website might be held responsible for the content of websites linked to the site in question. According to the court this can only be avoided if the owner of the site in question formally refrains from those contents. It applies for all websites linked to the VBH website: We want to place emphasis on the fact that we have no influence on the texts, design, infringements of the applicable law, as well as infringement of trademark law, i.e. all contents of any websites linked to this site. Thus, we formally refrain from all phrasing and all contents of the websites linked to ours and do not adopt them as our own. This statement applies for all sites and their contents, where the links and banners published on our website may lead to. Please be aware of this while visiting the sites linked to the VBH website.